Academic Tutoring
Great grades and a rigourous course load are still the most important part of a student’s college application. They demonstrate a student’s ability, dedication, and work ethic. Whether its math, science, the humanities, or any other subject, Clarion’s top tutors will help you put your put your best academic foot forward.
View our calendar here for upcoming events.
Private Tutoring
One-on-one time on any subject with our exceptional teachers. We figure out exactly what our students need to know and exactly how to help them learn it.
Each private tutoring lesson is 90 minutes long. Available at your home, in public, or online. Please contact us for current rates.
Group Tutoring
A small study group of 3 to 8 smart and motivated students guided by one of our exceptional teachers. See our calendar for current groups, or contact us about starting a new one.
$60 / Hour*
*Each group tutoring lesson is 90 minutes long. Group tutoring generally takes place online, but public places or your home are possible with custom groups.
What Our Clients Are Saying